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Armadillidium klugii| Clown Isopod



The length of Armadillidium klugii is around 2cm.


A. klugii is greyish brown, and has three rows of white dots running front to back. As they age, the center row turns yellow.


Temperature & Humidity

18C - 22C / 64F - 71F

70% - 80%



With a size like this one, you can easily manage a new colony with a shoebox-sized container.


A Tupperware box with some holes poked in for ventilation is an quick way to get started, or you can grab one of the specialist enclosures


Be sure to add plenty of softwood branches (like cork bark) and leaf litter too. They’ll really appreciate the natural hiding spots, and it’ll provide a stable source of nutrition for them.



Isopods eat a wide and varied diet of detritus and food scraps.

Though rotting woods and leaf litter should form the backbone of any isopod diet, it’s easy to supplement with vegetables and protein sources.

Freeze-dried shrimp and minnows make a convenient protein snack, or fish flakes can often work in a pinch.


Just be sure to only add an amount that you think your colony can finish in one sitting. As food can quickly spoil in a high humidity enclosure, inviting a mold and pest party that can quickly spiral out of control.

As with other isopods, a sprinkling of crushed limestone is a crucial element of their diet too.

Cuttlebone and eggshells can be other helpful supplementary calcium sources.


Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Subphylum: Crustacea

Class: Malacostraca

Superorder: Peracarida

Order: Isopoda

Suborder: Oniscidea

Family: Armadillidiidae

Genus: Armadillidium

Species: klugii


Food - Decaying plant matter and inverts, rotting oak and beech wood and leaflitter is a good source of food


How I Keep Them - I use a leaflitter and keep on the wetter side and it is always good to leave a dry section

Armadillidium klugii | Clown Isopod

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