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Pachnoda aemula | Flower Beetle Larvae


Pachnoda aemula are easy beetle to keep and breed, they are a yellow with a black pattern on the back


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Scarabaeidae

Subfamily: Cetoniinae

Genus: Pachnoda

Species: aemula


How I Keep Mine


Any kind of see through plastic or glass container relative to the amount of Pachnoda aemula beetles or larvae you have. Plenty of ventilation is a must.



Pachnoda aemula will live in Oak/Beech/Sweet Chestnut leaf litter, or a mix of these. 



Room temperture 28 - 32ºC / 82 - 89ºF






Larvae of Pachnoda aemula: Leaf litter (decaying oak, beech, sweet chestnut leaves)

Adults of Pachnoda aemula: Banana, orange, apple, grapes, fish flakes


Pachnoda aemula LARVAE

Out of Stock
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